Download Evil Doings Fonts Family From Comicraft

Designed by John Roshell, Evil Doings is a comic and hand drawn font family. This typeface has four styles and was published by Comicraft.
In isolated Eastern European states, atop cold castle towers, nefarious nonbelievers are discussing their diabolical devises with their minions, acolytes and sweet little Yorkshire terriers! Evildoings is a font that gives form to the softly spoken schemes and terrifying tweets of these psychopaths, sociopaths and just plain naughty boys and girls.
Will Good Triumph and Defeat the EvilDoings of EvilDoers?! Only if we listen to the cries of the oppressed proletariat and quash the devilish dreams and evil schemes of Fascist Dictators EVERYWHERE!
Four fonts (Regular, Italic, Bold & Bold Italic) with upper and lowercase characters. Includes Western European international characters.